I so wanted to blog yesterday but due to the large amounts of chaos that goes on in our household during this time of year, it really wasn't an option. I hope you all stuffed your faces with pumkin pie and lots of turkey. I also hope you didn't puke. Sadly though, this Thanksgiving will go down in the books as the Turkey Disaster of 2011 in our family. I can't give out any details except that emotions spiraled from excitement, to shock, then frustration, tears soon followed after, which soon led to large amounts of anger, then back down to frustration. Entertaining? Yes. Would I want to see it happen again? My goodness no. After all, the true meaning of Thanksgiving, of course, is to thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed on us. We need to thank Him not only for the good, but also for the bad because that's how we manage to get closer to Him. He is amazing in everything that He does and we should all thank Him with all our little hearts.


One of the most dangerous days of the year where you can buy a huge television at half the price while also at risk of being shanked. I wonder what other countries think about us when they watch this strange ritual. I have never had the pleasure of waiting for hours on end in line on this joyous day. I did, however, head out to Walmart with my mom. That was really frightening. Some lady almost rammed us with her shooping cart to get to a Dora the Explorer kitchen playset. People were grabbing last minute items and running for their lives to pay for it before someone chased after them to snatch it. The people who worked there just looked like zombies and I seriously felt bad for them. If you went shopping at midnight or early this morning, I have a lot of respect for you. I hope you wore some type of helmet and body pads for protection.

I am currently listening to Christmas music. My heart is utterly singing with so much joy along and I can't help but smile. Can you guys give me an idea as to when I should put up my mini Christmas tree? I'm so excited I can't settle on a date. Even the weather outside is starting to look all wonderful. Oh goodness. I'm in pure bliss. I hope you all are enjoying this time of year as much as I am.

Walking in a winter wonderland,
Tabs <3
I love autumn. I love the different colors of the leaves. I love how they feel after they slowly drift away from their branches and gently land their way onto the ground. I love the feel of getting over all of the hot weather and being able to wear nice warm sweaters again. I love the smell of the cool breeze and being able to stand out in the rain for the first time in months. I love how the world feels like a painting and how beautifully God is able to create something wonderful out of nature. I love hearing the sound of dry leaves rustling through the fall breeze and I love drinking a cup of tea while curled up in a blanket. I love it all.
If you have never lived in California, I suggest you take a trip here
during autumn. Summer is nothing compared to how beautiful everything looks this time of year. Typically autumn here consists of clear skies, freezing cold days (with spontaneous busts of rain), and the most beautiful crispy leafy trees known to mankind. Well, as far as I've seen anyway. I don't get out much. Anyway, ignoring my non-existent life, there is something about autumn here that just changes my mood completely. There is also the Apple Hill advantage of living here which should be at the top of your California-to-do lists if you actually do listen to me and plan a visit here in the fall. Of course, I would suggest going earlier in the morning when there are less people but also go when there is some sort of festival going on. You will not regret it. Warm apple pie and kettle corn as far as the eye can see! You can get your face painted, catch a couple fish at the pound (expensive but worth it), take a pony ride, get lost in the corn maze, and raid their ever so wonderful market. That place is the definition of love. It's love with even more love added in just to make it even more amazing.

Now that I've already started planning your vacation for next fall (winter is about to hit and Apple Hill is already closed, depressing I know), you can thank me and leave a red velvet cupcake on the doorstep. I kid. Although that would be pretty darn nice.

On the other side of things, I'm not sure I happened to mention I've been sick for more than three weeks. I have the immune system of a cricket and it seems to be getting smaller as the days keep passing and more leaves keep falling. I had Bronchitis and it has now turned into a sinus infection that really just does not want to go away. Prolonging my doctors visit. I am not a huge fan of antibiotics so I'll try large amounts of home remedies. If any of you have suggestions, I would be incredibly grateful. I'll be even more grateful if they actually happen to work. There will be a lot of gratefulness going on. Also, do you know how autumn tends to usually begin in October? I found a little poem to share with you all as a final though. Have a gorgeous night.

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks,  and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And  everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the  band.
~ George Cooper

Take your Vitamin Gummies,
Tabs <3
You know that moment when you hear a song on a commercial and you just love it so much that you have to listen to it again immediately? You hurriedly turn on your computer, mutter insults under your breathe as it loads slowly, and look up the lyrics. As soon as you find the title and artist, then it's off to YouTube! The moment you play it, you're in a daze from how amazing it is and automatically proceed to get it stuck in your head. That is me right now.

So far Subaru commercials have never let me down. First they came out with Powerful Stuff by Sean Hayes and now Before I knew by Basia Bulat. I am literally in love. It isn't very long but this song has stolen my heart and I really don't mind if it doesn't give it back. As soon as it comes on, a smile takes over my face and I do a little jig while singing along to it also. If it gets me into an extremely good mood, I might even twirl my finger. Oh yes. Good songs tend to get me into a very awesome mood. I would have to say that Mat Kearney and Owl City (if you haven't listened to either, then you're seriously missing out) are some of the greatest out there. Along with Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, and Michael Buble. I find it sad that when I tell people I listen to Presley or Sinatra they look at me as if I have this huge string of snot hanging from my nose and that I like having it there. Well yes, as a matter of fact, I like my snot! And I mean that in a completely metaphorical form.

I got yelled at the other day by my best friend for not blogging anymore. I think she is the only one that even checks it on a daily basis. So let us do a couple of updates, shall we? First of all, Gnomeo and Juliet was definitely disappointing. I thought it woul be so much better. Secondly, how does one get diplomatic immunity? And if one has it, can they print their own money? Numero tres! There is a black widow lurking somewhere in my room and I think it's planning to kill me in my sleep. I am deeply afraid. Four: my first semester at college is ending in a couple of weeks and it's rather sad. Especially going to miss my English professor. Awesome guy. Of course I will never tell him that because I rarely talk in his class except to make fun of his shoes. I am really hoping he doesn't read this. That is practically all that has been going on in my ever so boring life.

Now I have a question. Well actually a couple of qestions. What's new with you? Did you have a wonderful day? And if so, why was it wonderful? Did you see the sunrise this morning? Did you take a picture of the wonderful pink and orange colors? Or was it to cloudy to even see the sunrise? Did you have a bad day? And if so, how come? If you did have a bad day, I hope smiles and laughter come you're way. Always have hope and never give up on happiness. Also, tomorrow is a brand new day. Start it with a grin and a prayer in your heart. I promise things will be okay. I also just realized that most of those sentences rhymed. See, now I'm smiling. I hope you're smiling too.

Time for me to head out. Hopefully I remember to get back on here and write every once in a while. I'll try to before Thanksgiving rush and chaos kicks in. I might even take a couple of pictures. Excited! My love goes out to you, whoever may be reading this. Be joyful. Be blessed.

Tabs <3

I always feel so incredibly pathetic when I cry during a movie. I don't usually show it, but I am usually yelling at myself wondering why I even started crying in the first place. I mean, it is just a movie, correct? Unless the movie is actually based on a true story which really does give a legitimate reason for me to bawl my eyes out and snort into about ten tissues. It just makes the whole aspect of the movie even worse (in a good way though) due to the fact that it actually happened. When I think about the hardships that the person actually went through, it makes me burst into tears all over again. What is even more disturbing is that I still cry even when I have seen the movie multiple times. My brain just does not want to take in the fact that yes, I have seen this before so you should be getting your tears all over your pillow pet...again. No, I just continuously cry like some derranged human being that does not get the concept that movies will ALWAYS be just movies, even if some are true stories. They will still get to me just like the SPCA commercials.

Life is a mess and mostly consists of tears, whether they are intentional or not. The only one that can truly wipe them away is God and He even counts all of them. That's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. We cry over weird things such as, of course, sappy sad movies and also spilled milk. I mean, why not just get another glass of it? No, we have to cry. It just feels like it makes more sense. It releases something that one has been holding back. It brings some sort of relief that just feels great afterward.

Now I don't want to sound all depressed and what not (I'm actually in a pretty good mood) but crying does relieve some sort of un-witnessed tension. I honestly do have one specific day in which I just watch the saddest movies known to mankind and blubber like there is no tomorrow. And it actually helps. Totally not kidding. I know for sure that most girls have them (if not then I'm just strange) and even though you look terrible afterwards, you feel somewhat better. If you haven't done it, then try it. It really does work.

Besides all the crying that has been going on with all the sad movies, Holloween is coming up. Not a fan of it whatsoever. I can definitely live without it and all the creepy looking costumes that come with it. I despise it as much as I despise english muffins. Which, trust me, really says a lot. That day will most likely be spent watching Charlie Chaplin episodes and regretting the eating a whole carton of ice cream. So unhealthy but yet so incredibly good. I don't seem to handle the concept of "diet" very well. A four lettered word that irritates me because I can't have my usual ration of sugar. Darn you "diet." Darn you.

Procrastinating on my English paper as I usually do and wondering when is a good day to start my math homework. I also got a haircut (finally) and it is the oddest feeling ever. All you ladies with short hair, how do you do it? I keep tugging on it to see if it will spontaneously get longer. Not a fan. However, I now have a date with my pillow pet so I will bid you all a wonderful night.

Tabs <3

Lately I have been scribbling down my thoughts either in my iPod or on any form of peice of paper around me. My blog has seemed to die down just like the heat and my schedule has been rather busy. School and family have taken over much more, life is hectic. I have even been more out of it lately than I usually am. For example, I screamed at a parking meter at school yesterday and called my professor a lying liar from liarsburg. As much as I enjoy working a Psych quote into a conversation, that was way out of line. Everyone that was in the parking lot while I was screaming at the meter also probably think I am insane. I need some form of major rexlaxation besides watching Charlie Chaplin reruns and studying when I have spare time. My nerdness is beginning to show more and my head is spinning from everything that is going on around me. Take a deep breathe. Heeee hoooo.

There are so many different people in this world that it just astounds me. I live in the tiniest area on this world and when I experience other cultures, my mind starts soaring with questions about what type of people cover the rest of this rock we live on. I wonder about what kind of imagination they have, what type of food they eat, whether they are out in the open or hidden in some secret place, what kind of beliefs they have, what clothes they wear, and a lot more. Not very many people know this (or maybe they do not want to know this) but human beings are astounding. Look at what every different race that occupies this earth has created. We have cars that run off of electricity, spaceships, and maybe even hoverboards soon (that is more of a pipe dream). It is truly amazing.

I always wished I could travel the world and just stop in every country that came to my mind. I would take pictures with everyone that I met and write about everything I would see. I could just invision taking part in their daily lives and see the smiles on their faces. Everyone in this world is just so incredibly beautiful. No matter what culture you are apart of, you are awesome. Sure we all have our flaws and do things that others might see out of the ordinary. However, we have a few things in common. We all cry, laugh, smile, scream, and just let go. We all feel. We are all connected together and it doesn't matter where we are from. We are all beautiful disasters.

I wish I could stay longer but sadly my time is up. I will now proceed to put on some form of a movie and do homework like the good student that I am. Have a wonderful night world. If you see the sun come up, tell it I said Good Morning.

Peppermint Tea,
Tabs <3

Here I am, sitting at the kitchen table in the family's most cherrished (and broken) swively chair typing away at an esssay. Like always though, I have gotten distracted. I also sadly wore shorts tonight so my legs are literally plastered to the wood of this chair and I'm out of tea. This can only end in disaster. My head also seems to be pounding from a weird headache that I've had for two days in a row now. It's either a sinus infection or my brain is deciding to go through some early renovations. It did this throughout spring cleaning but I guess winter spruicing is also in the books.

Lately it seems as if the world seems to be going by slower. Cars seem to be taking their time more when driving, people are singing, random strangers seems to smile more often when you make eye contact, it just seems wonderful. It might be due to the fact that the holidays are coming up, but I like it. I've never seen a city truly slow down before. Maybe it's just me imagining things or seeing them from a different point of view. However, if it is just me, then slow it down for one day! Smile at the driver that cuts you off and say to yourself "May God bless him and prevent that driver from any accidents". It's hard (partially because you want to pull up right beside them and throw your Slurpee at their car window) but also because we aren't used to doing that sort of thing. Try not to be so stressed. Overlook things that might make you upset. Take a deep breathe. Always keep in mind that tomorrow is a new day where new thing happen. You never know who you might meet and they don't want to see you in a bad mood, right? Don't answer that. Just give me the benefit of the doubt and let me be right. Only this one time of course. I always like a good debate.

So tomorrow what are you going to do my dear blog readers? You're going to slow it down. Find your chi. Enjoy the weather. Take a really long bubble bath. Drink only one cup of coffee and be lazy the rest of the day. Wear sweats and baggy clothes. Cuddle up with your favorite teddy bear. Those are only a few suggestions.

I should most likely get back to this essay now which I will most likely fail anyway. I hope you all have a wonderful night and sew some dreams together to make a beautiful story.

Humidifiers are amazing,
Tabs <3

If you haven't tried those babies, you should put them right at the top of your "Food To Stuff In My Face" list. Trust me, they are so worth it. I tried my first one a couple of weeks ago and I am seriously hooked. I haven't hit the addict stage yet, but I will be soon. Bakery's and stores should give them as samples on street corners, they are just that amazing. 

Wedding bells have been sounding everywhere and I'm pretty sure I've been invited to every one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love weddings. The tacky decour, little boxes filled with Hershey Kisses, and that one person who never sings but spontaneously decides to at the reception (even though they aren't good at it). The killer heels get tossed and everyone mostly goes just to get free food, even though the food will most likely not taste very good. I just attended a wedding last week, and I'm heading to another one at one o'clock today. I also have one more to head to next month. Love is blossoming which means flower bouquets are eventually going to be thrown. I'm just hoping that one of these weddings will have red velvet cupcakes to take home with you. I would be eternally grateful.

Like every girl in this world, I continuously wonder what my wedding is going to be like. I think about how the groom will look as I walk down the isle, praying that I'm not going to trip. I then giggle as I can already see my best friend, the maid of honor, telling me to take deep breathes and on edge since she knows I'll probably faint soon. My hands will be shaking and I will most likely be crying before we even begin to say our vows. My brother will most likely be mouthing the words "Don't Barf!" and my dad will be fanning himself, trying to be manly and not cry. Yes, the is how I see my wedding. Typical? Some of you might say yes. Others might say that my family sounds completely insane at which point I will agree rather proudly. However, there's still a long time until I get married. Just waiting for tomorrow is an eternity. Only God knows what the future holds for us.

If you haven't looked at your calender lately, I would like to inform you that Autumn has indeed arrived. Every store I seem to walk into smells like cinnamon and pumpkins. It's driving me insane with love. Even the weather has decided to take a break from the blazing heat and cool us down with clouds and a chance of rain tomorrow. I wish I knew how to say excited in five different languages just to show you all how happy I am.

Time to go take a shower and squeeze in some homework time before the wedding. Wish me luck. I don't do well in high heels.

Have a lovely day,
Tabs <3

I don't know who you are. I don't know what your name is. I don't know what your favorite color is or even if you have one. I don't know if you're short or tall. I don't know if you have ever been sky diving or have been to the beach before. I don't know if you have any pets and if you do, I don't know what any of their names are. I don't know what your favorite type of music is. I don't know where this life has taken you. I don't know what you have been through. I don't know if your past haunts you and I don't know if you have any regrets. I don't know whether or not you have parents. I don't know if you have any siblings. I don't know if you believe in God and I don't know if you ever will. I don't know if your scared or as happy as can be. I don't know if you have made your dreams come true or if you are still working toward them. No matter what state you are in...

I love you. I love everything about you. I will always be your friend. Have hope. Have faith. Smile. Trust in God. You are to wonderful to have a frown upon your face and stress creasing into where those laugh lines should be. I may not be there in person, but you will always have a friend in me. You are amazing in every way.

With all my heart,
Tabs <3

I've actually been yelled at because I haven't been blogging lately. I am truly sorry. My sincerest apologies. Just to let everyone know, I am indeed still alive and haven't been eaten by any man-eating giraffes. Those things are getting rather dangerous nowadays. However, I have began college and the whole "growing up" process is kind of new to me so I'v been a little preoccupied with other things. I promise I will try to electronically scribble away my thoughts more often and bring some smiles to those tired faces of yours. Yes that's right, I can see you.

Let's do a couple of updates, shall we? College textbooks are expensive. I recently discovered that the word "potato" doesn't have an "e" at the end of it (so incredibly shocked). When out of ice cream and you get desperate enough, you can always make it in a Ziploc Bag. Autumn is on it's way and I'm so excited that I can barely hide it. The chihuahuas next door have formed ranks and are planning an attack soon. It will get messy. My plant Dwight has grown quite a bit and so has my hair. I haven't made any new college friends and a spider fell on me my on the first day of school. I didn't scream. Thankfully. You (yes you) make me smile. That shouldn't be part of the updates though since you've always done that. Yoga is still positively amazing and I'm out of hair ties.

Some might say that those updates are incredibly random. Why? Well because they are. One must understand that randomness is apart of life though. This whole entire world is random. Life is random. We do random things and say random words everyday. Even the most proper person on the planet is random because they are apart of this random society of ours. We are surrounded by randomness so we ourselves can't help but be random. Don't you disagree with me either since deep down you know it's true. A word of advice, don't hide from the randomness. Go out and be random. Trust me, it's fun. 

Hopefully I will be on again soon but for now, I bid you all a wonderful night. Also, a wise blue blob of ranch dressing gone wrong once said..

I may not have a brain gentlemen, but I have an idea. - B.O.B from Monsters vs. Aliens

The stars look lovely,
Tabs <3
Sometimes it doesn't take very much to have a happy ever after. Sometimes it's the fact that you're to afraid to say something or don't have the courage to face what you clearly see is there. Sometimes that moment will pass, and it could have take only one word to get the smiles going. I've written a little example for you all to read...

She was sitting by herself in the corner of the room. Her legs dangled over the edge of the chair and she was humming along to the song that everyone was dancing too. It flowed through her soul and mind, the music notes trickled along her spine giving her the feeling of happiness. She tugged at her hair, not liking the fact that it was all dolled up and pulled at the beautiful dress she was wearing. Dancing was never something that she was interested in or people that only judged you by how much money you had. She hadn't been noticed by anyone, and that's exactly how she liked things to be.

He was the life of the party. Although, that's what everyone seemed to think. He was so handsome that every girl in that ball room was fanning themselves and bursting into little fits of giggles if he even glanced their way. He was dancing with an honorable girl, who was rather beautiful. However, he didn't seem to care. She smelled funny and that plastered smile on her face was really beginning to frighten him. She hadn't given him much choice in the matter by the way she gripped his arm and pulled him onto the dance floor. He didn't want to be there. He wanted to leave.

The song ended and there was a polite clap around the room. He bowed to the girl he was dancing with and made a run for it before she could pull him back for another. He made a dash for the curtains way in the back. He loved sitting there since he wasn't very visible but yet he could still see everything that was going on. He found it when he was a child. 

She heard something rustling in front of her and she froze. Should she apologize? Would she be asked to leave? The curtains slowly moved a little more and a figure backed into them. He still hadn't seen her. She heard him let out a sigh of relief and she watched as he kicked off his shoes. Those do look rather uncomfortable, she thought to herself. He ruffled his hair and at this she couldn't help but grin. As soon as he did, he slowly turned around and they both froze.

She's so stunning, he thought to himself.

Oh goodness he's gorgeous, was all she could think.

He smiled his best smile at her. A smile that he didn't reveal to just anyone. He took every little detail of her in. He could tell she had been fidgeting with her hair and that, like him, she completely despised her shoes. She had small freckles on her right cheek and the deep blue color of  her eyes were making him forget his own name. Subconsciously he straightened out his suit, which surprised him because usually he didn't care about appearances.

She wanted so much to excuse herself so she could make a run for the door and attempt to breathe again, but moving was impossible. Oh and that smile of his? Her heart was doing flips and her brain was in red alert. She could tell he had really soft hands and he had a small faded cut right above his eyebrow. She smoothed her hands over her dress and very shakily folded them onto her lap.

They both didn't know that the next word that was to be spoken, was about to change the both of their lives forever. More smiles were to come after it and butterflies were to be felt in the both of their stomachs. This was the moment he knew he was in love. This was the moment she was sure he was the one. It was a fairy tale in the making and it all started with her lovely voice uttering out one single word...


I never said it was going to be easy, I just said that it can only take one word. That is, if you're even able to speak.

Have a gret evening,
Tabs <3