My mom and I before my cousins wedding, when they were taking pictures. I don't remember anything from the actual wedding since I fell asleep throughout it, but I do  remember what mostly happened before it. My dress looked pretty. My hair was basically a golden color from sun exposure. Until then, I never knew what a "plantain" was and that they were the grosest thing know to mankind. We ate pizza day and I can remember trying to balance myself as I tried walking along the curb of the sidewalk. I was tired due to the long day that followed after being awakened that morning. The bride and groom looked beautiful. To this day, I still love them both. Now that I look back, I'm wondering why in the world I ever wore those shoes with that dress. However, throughout all the good memories that took place on that day, there will be one that will be imprinted in my mind way more than the rest.

I got bit by a squirrel at that park.

-Tabs <3

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