Besides the large amounts of pain and swelling that's going on in my mouth right now, I'm pretty happy about how well I handled my wisdom teeth being pulled out. The extraction itself was probably the scariest and most uncomfortable thing I've ever been through in my entire life so far though. One word of advice. If you do plan on getting them removed sometime soon, I suggest being put to sleep. Take my word on it. 

Just wanted to get on very quickly and share this with you...

Until we finally realize we have absolutely no righteousness of our own in any form, that we are morally and spiritually bankrupt. Anything we might do thinking we have our own righteousness is a pretence and an insult to a Holy God. Until we realize that God came to us first and that we did not come to Him through any goodness of our own and that salvation is fully God's gift to us and that by grace through faith believing in our Lord Jesus Christ He gives us His own righteousness. Until we understand fully that God the Father can only be satisfied with what His Son did for us on the cross can we understand that serving Him is not appeasing Him but loving Him in worshipful gratitude and reverential humility. Only then can we begin to know how to serve Him in His strength and not our own. ~ Richard D. Teague

May God help us serve Him every single day and forgive us of all of our sins. May we be able to worship Him and give Him thanks in everything that He has done for us. Without God in our lives, we are truly lost. He is the one that has all of the answers and can help us reach our true potential through His own strength. Praise be to His name!

Medication is kicking in,
Tabs <3

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